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Centrifugal fans
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VNN.E (R) .x (centrifugal fan for low and medium pressure)
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VNN.E.C.x (for low and medium pressure for vertical installation)
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VNN.E.x-furnace (for low and medium pressure - furnace)
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VNN.KB.x (for low and medium pressure - channel drum)
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VNN.kN.x (for low and medium pressure - channel)
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VNN.P.H.x (for low and medium pressure - coated with horizontal discharge)
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VNN.PV.X (for low and medium pressure - roofed with vertical discharge)
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VNN.E.H.D (for low and medium pressure - double vane)
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VNN.E.H.D per plate (for low and medium pressure - double-blade per plate)
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VNN.E.H.B (for low and medium pressure - drum)
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VNN.E.H.P (for low and medium pressure - plastic)
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VN.E (R). Ht.x (for low and medium pressure - for high temperature)
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VN.E (R). Ex (for low and medium pressure - powder)
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VnN.H.VC (for low and medium pressure for ventilation chamber)
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VK VNN.R.DV.X.B (ventilation chamber with double suction fan)
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VVN.E (R). x (high pressure fan)
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VVN.E (R) .X.М (centrifugal fan for high pressure - M series)
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VVN.E.H.H (for high pressure for vertical installation)
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VN.E (R). H.x (for high pressure for high temperature)
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